Hydrometec Advance Course Atendees visited Monolithos

What a day! EIT RawMaterials Hydrometec Advance Course Atendees visited Monolithos premises. The R&I activities of the company along with detailed presentations of our innovations took place.

We wish to thank Jafar Safarian and D.Panias (D.Panias) for giving us the chance to participate at Hydrometec Project. Many thanks to Carsten Dittrich, SRECKO STOPIC and Zara Zheleva for visiting us along with the group.

Special thanks to the lecturers:

  • Anastasia Moschovi
  • Marios Kourtelesis
  • Eirini Zagoraiou
  • Olga Thoda
  • Anna Frengkou Meng Msc